Welcome to Sisters of Saint Clare Inc

Saint Clare became a living example of the poverty, humility, and mortification expounded by St. Francis of Assisi. Her  poverty proclaims, "God is enough, and everything else is not enough!" Her obedience is her liberation into the eternal. Her chastity is a flaming expanse of love destined to consume her and light the way for many. Her enclosure is a spacious silence where the will of God can sing. She has befriended solitude, waiting, listening, and a certain inevitable experience of aloneness as companions on the way into the center of her being. Following their Mother St. Clare and inspired by their Seraphic Father St. Francis, Poor Clare’s are deeply devoted to the Eucharistic Presence of the Lord. Daily exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament feeds their ardent desire to "seek His Face". Their spirituality focuses on the mysteries of Christ's earthly life, particularly on His birth in the utter poverty of Bethlehem and His self-emptying death on the Cross.

Our Mission  

 As followers of Clare and Francis, this is what we ardently seek and long for; To live as a loving community with the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in poverty, littleness, simplicity, and joy; open and sensitive to the Spirit working within us, among us, and beyond us; lovingly surrendering ourselves to the Lord; witnessing to the primacy of contemplative prayer and trusting in the care of the Lord each day of our lives. Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as a healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable.


We envision a strong, vibrant Catholic ministry that will lead to the transformation of healthcare. We will ensure service that is committed to health and well-being for our communities and that responds to the needs of individuals throughout the life cycle. We will expand the role of the laity, in both spirituality and healing ministry, to ensure we reach out to the poor and needy in the healing ministry of the future spreading God's love.



Clare lived in her characteristic way: the spirit of prayer and devotion, the pursuit of the spirit of God and His holy operation.

·   Service of the poor: Generosity of spirit, especially for persons most in need

·   Reverence: Respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life

·   Integrity: Inspiring trust through personal leadership

·   Wisdom: Integrating excellence and stewardship

·   Creativity: Courageous innovation

·   Dedication: Affirming the hope and joy of our ministry